5 Sutras of Kundalini Yoga for the Aquarian Age

As some of you are aware this a few weeks ago I began my Kundalini yoga teacher training with the incredible Gurmukh and her Husband Guru Shabbad.

I felt compelled and called to do this training which is referred to as Kundalini Yoga for the Aquarian age, (the course started one day after my birthday in February on the night of the full moon in Aquarius!) if that was not a hint from the Universe then I don’t know what is…………

So I thought I’d share a little about the Aquarian age with you and most importantly the ‘5 Sutras of the Aquarian Age’ (Sutra meaning thread or like a little pearl of Wisdom) as we have moved from the Piscean age into age of Aquarius.

“Astronomers will tell you that the Earth rotates on an axis and that this line going through the centre of the earth has a slight wobble to it. It goes through a little circular wobble about once every 24,000 years. This cycle has been broken into 12 parts associated with the 12 astrological signs, based on which constellation the axis is wobbling towards. From around 2000 B.C. to 0 A.D. we were in the Age of Taurus. From 0 A.D. to the present we have been in the Age of Pisces.” (https://www.3ho.org/3ho-lifestyle/aquarian-age/aquarian-shift-what-will-be-different)

So for the next 2000 years we will be dominated by the age of information, horizontal networking and working towards true equality, the previous Piscean age was dominated by power and hierarchy.

This shift is bringing out the best and the worst in mankind”

As you may have already observed there has been a major shift in self-awareness, such as the huge increase in people taking care of themselves with yoga, tai chi and wellness etc…… on the other side of the coin you have seen massive injustices on the Corporate and political levels with certain right wing values becoming more prominent.

"In this time Piscean values are giving way to Aquarian values. The difference between the two is very simple. Piscean values work from the ego, creating boundaries. Aquarian values have no boundaries; they are Infinite. Aquarian consciousness takes you inside your soul, so that you can relate to the soul in all."
-Yogi Bhajan from Aquarian Times, Spring 2003.

Yogi Bhajan brought the technology of Kundalini yoga to the west to help us survive this transformational shift in consciousness, here are the 5 sutras of Kundalini yoga to guide us through the age of Aquarius. Print them off and keep them close to your heart (mine are stuck on the fridge).


5 Sutras of Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

5 Sutras of Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

Go smudge yourself

In case you have no idea (or often wondered) what I am doing to you in your peaceful Savasana, wonder no more...

Smudging is an indigenous and shamanic practice dating back centuries, it is used to clear and transmute “mala energía” (bad energies) by burning certain sacred herbs or plants. Smudging calls on the spirits of sacred plants to drive away negative energies to return you back to a state of balance, peace and harmony. The smudging and burning of incense is a preliminary and integral part of many indigenous ceremonies and practices from all over the world, throughout history dating all the way back to the Inca’s, Mayan’s and Egyptians and most likely way beyond that. 

The linage I follow is Shipibo a Shamanic Amazonian tribal region from the Amazon basin region, and the incense that I use mainly is Palo Santo which I brought back with me from my Shamanic initiation in Peru last year.

Palo Santo, formally known as Bursera graveolens, is a beautiful majestic tree which grows from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico all the way through Central America and along the West coast of South America. It is directly related to Frankincens…

Palo Santo, formally known as Bursera graveolensis a beautiful majestic tree which grows from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico all the way through Central America and along the West coast of South America. It is directly related to Frankincense, Myrrh and Copal, which are all known for their great healing properties. Its translation from Spanish means “Holy Wood”, it has a pleasantly strong, rich, deep woody yet citrus aroma to it.

Sage & Palo Santo

It is used for its spiritual and energetic cleansing and healing properties similar to White Sage and Cedar. In the Shipibo tradition Palo Santo is used in smoke baths, a method of clearing negativity and demons and as a means of protection and drawing good fortune to the beholder. It cleanses your auric field (which for most of us extends anywhere from 1ft in front of us to 9 ft, the latter for the highly attuned human). In Kundalini Yoga we call this the 8th Chakra. Our aura provides protection and acts as a filter for negative environmental influences - a strong aura automatically uplifts and improves the working of all the other chakras’. It is said that the scent raises your vibration in preparation for meditation and allows for a deeper connection to the Source of all creation.

Not only do you smudge yourself (or others), but you can smudge spaces in your home or workplace, it can be used to clear the air after an argument or negative experience or even for a special occasion. If you plan on doing this, don't forget to do corners………. bad shit likes to hang out in corners! It is a strong medicine and is said to be effective in keeping energies grounded and clear, which is why it is particularly effective after Yoga in Savasana to help you come back down and out into reality a little bit more stronger and resilient to the negative effects of the external environment. It is great for calming the immune and nervous systems for a deeper relaxed state and in increasing Theta brain waves, it is also said that it can speed up the recovery of illness. The wood is extracted from dead trees and fallen branches without the use of dangerous chemicals or solvents and therefore makes the method far more sustainable and environmentally friendly, despite this unfortunately Palo Santo is very much a finite resource.  

Of course (like with most Esoteric practices) the effectiveness of the smudge depends on the strength and clarity of your intention (or the person using it on you), so make sure you ask the Palo Santo or Sage clearly for protection, clearing and connection before you begin.

Namaste x